I'm a recent graduate who's actively looking for a web developer position. My passion lies in solving all sort of problems and programming lets me do that every day.
Group chat application that tracks users' face built with ReactJS. Used socket.io and WebRTC to establish connection.
Trading platform that lets you trade with virtual money. Used MERN stack and Redux for development.
Weather App
Used NodeJS and Express to write backend code and hosted the site using Heroku.
Aid-Management System
Console application developed with C++. Loads data from a text file and displays to the user.
Redesign of Italian Tourism official website. Created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Also experimented with various plugins.
Odd or Even
Simple dice game created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Redesign of craigslist. Created using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.
Tanglewood Books
Redesign of local book store. Created using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.